Tapering machines allow the reduction of the initial tube’s diameter to the requested diameter for the desired length.
Maximum tube starting diameter: 80 mm.
Length: anything is available with more steps.
Moreover, with our own tooling we can achieve any shape (triangular, square, rectangular, trapezoidal, others).
Tooling needed for the various machines is designed and manufactured in-house to ensure speed and flexibility during the whole process.

Multiple tapering of round tube
Tapering and then bending of round tube

Concentrated tapering of round tube
Round tube tapered

Tube tapered and bent
Round tube tapered

Part of a table leg with concentrated tapering and internal threading
Table side with tapered legs

Table leg bent on a tapered section
Table leg tapered

Chair side with bent conical tube with varied diameters
for your company
We are able to meet increasing production needs, while adapting ourselves quickly and with flexibility to the market.
Innovative technologies
A constantly up-to-date machine outfit allows to meet positively all requirements.
Vertical skills/capacities
40 years of expertise in the field, ongoing training of competent and qualified staff members
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